I have always been an athlete, I grew up swimming, playing softball, golfing, cheerleading, running, biking, and the list continues. So consider it sold if you dangle a sport in my face. I was in. And my competitive drive would take me above and beyond.
But ten years ago, I woke up in a hospital room with medical professionals telling me that walking was not in the cards – or this was what I heard (even though the words spewed were not promising that I would walk again). If I returned to the real world and could live independently, this would be fantastic, as most with my traumatic brain injury – not like one is a like – do not return to the corporate world, the driving world, the independent world, and the list continues. But hearing these words and internalizing them in every aspect of my being, I wanted to test the waters to see what I could be – what was I capable of? So, I began pushing myself harder in every therapy session with every movement I made. I even dreamt of my body moving in ways that were deemed impossible, and I would feel the sensation of the steps being taken forward – when I could not even stand. I had goals and knew I had the inner drive and Moxy. The world was my playground; what was I going to create?
“Saturday, I tackle one of the largest races of the season—the Great Divide 100K. Here I will step on the start line not as Molly Cain, but SMILE #UWokeUp – as this is my WHY for existence.”
If you are a survivor and are in the process of finding your gait and balance again toward taking your first steps, or if you are a survivor who can take steps forward and are ready to talk walking/running further. I encourage you to apply for @smileuwokeup shoe application on our website: smileuwokeup.org.