
Explore Our Story: “Just Love Me”

Discover the inspiring journey of SMILE #UWokeUp’s founder, Molly Cain, and her mother as they navigate the challenges of battling a traumatic brain injury (TBI). In their book, “Just Love Me,” they share their heartfelt story of resilience, love, and overcoming adversity in the face of TBI. Gain insight into how they handle the news of a TBI diagnosis and find strength in their shared experiences.

To read more about Molly and her mother’s journey and find inspiration for your own path to healing and recovery.

Support TBI Survivors with Your Purchase

By purchasing “Just Love Me,” you’re not only gaining valuable insight and inspiration, but you’re also making a meaningful contribution to TBI survivors. A portion of proceeds from book sales goes towards providing proper footwear for TBI survivors as they continue their healing journey through movement. Your support helps TBI survivors take important steps forward in their recovery. Thank you for making a difference.

For any questions or inquiries, please email us at smileuwokeup@gmail.com.

 ***Proper footwear***